Not too shabby of a view to wake up to in the morning. The fluminense vs LDU game last night was insane. Imagine 12 drunk kids shouting at the top of their lungs in Portuguese and broken English (English and broken Portuguese for me) at a television for 120 minutes straight. The game ended in penalty kicks with LDU winning, which got my new friends excited because they're all botafogo or flamengo fans. No pictures though.
After breakfast I went for a long walk on the beach, maybe 7 miles total. Every couple hundred yards they have little stands (the red one in the picture) where you can order food, beer, or coconut milk and people sit around and talk or play cards. Its overcast today so there aren't many people on the beach but there are also volleyball nets every so often for people to get together and play.
Lucas is taking me to surf now, so hilarious pictures may ensue at a later time.
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