We partied in the streets for a little bit which was crazy because people go around selling shots of Tequila and there are street beer vendors. Add music in with the alcohol and random groups of dancing just start to pop up along the streets.
Next stop was Fundicão, a nightclub. Brickstreet and Pachinko have nothing on Fundicão, they're not even in the same league. This was my first experience ever in a nightclub so big that it held 500+ people. That night was a funk carioca group playing all night and it was great music to dance to (Also the socioeconomic implications of baile funk and how its creation/messages relates to the lower and Afro-Brazilian classes are very interesting).
Its a beautiful day out today and now that I've beat my hangover I'm going to hit up the beach and attempt to surf again or see what other crazy things are happening on the beach.
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